Author: Andy Wibbels
Would You Piss Yourself For an iBook?
I guess this makes Apple a real Lovemark: Apple iBook sale in Richmond, VA, turned violent today when people began to fight over the $50, four-year-old used machines on sale by Henrico County School System. One woman urinated on herself instead of losing her place in line. Others were shoved to the ground, and one […]
Upcoming Teleclasses
Here’s the low-down folks! I’ve had so many folks asking me to put together an intro course about blogs – not the how-to – but a tour of blogs in more depth. Join Peter Flaschner from The Blog Studio and I for a guided tour through the world of blogging – we’ll cover what blogs […]
Dealing with Comment Trolls
A big fear among newbie bloggers is how to handle things when a rogue commenter starts using your blog’s comments as their own private graffiti board – especially if they start hurling abusive language at you or other commenters. We call these folks trolls. I’ve recently been strucky by a rather ornery fellow who has […]
Business Blog Basics
Mark your calendars!! Before you take one more step and jump on the business blogging bandwagon you need to ask yourself several crucial questions: What is a blog and how does it work? How is that different from a website? What’s the investment? How much is it going to cost me!? Do I need a […]
Economists Start Blogging
“Nobody was asking me to write a column, and almost all previous attempts to even publish op-eds were denied,” says Andrew Samwick, professor of economics at Dartmouth College, also known as Vox Baby. Now he has total autonomy — and readers. Blogs mentioned: Econbrowser Macroblog Voxbaby Brad DeLong Economists View Global Macro
Bloggers Behaving Badly
Jason slams comScore’s report that was funded in part by Nick for not including data from Jason’s company. The fallout includes accusations, mutterings and of course – cracks on fat people.
Donald Trump Starts a Blog: And We Care
The hair still hypnotizes me though.
From Blog Gossip to Network Television
Media Matters tracks a lie from The Drudge Report to FOX News.
Report Released: Emergence of Progressive Blogosphere
Chris Bowers and Matthew Stoller have released a report on the growth trends in the blogosphere for progressives.
Blogs Are Coming To Get You
The Legal PR Bulletin has posted an article by Richard S. Levick of Levick Strategic Communications on how companies can defend themselves against online critics, titled “A Virtual Omnipresent Enemy.” Levick warns: “It is only a matter of time before blogs become commonplace weapons allowing well-organized adversaries to both disseminate and preserve shrewder anti-corporate messages. […]