TypePad Adds Easier Del.icio.us Integration

From the Del.icio.us blog: del.icio.us: just your type

If you have a TypePad blog, you can now make it easy for your readers to bookmark your stories on del.icio.us by automatically including a “save to del.icio.us” link in your post footers — without having to learn a single line of template code. Just sign into your account, navigate to your blog’s design tab, choose “Select Content” and configure your post footer.






3 responses to “TypePad Adds Easier Del.icio.us Integration”

  1. Martha Garvey Avatar

    I love how you read my mind sometimes, Andy. I was just wondering about de.liciou.us integration. I must be in the energy zone, or know…The Secret.

  2. Andy Wibbels Avatar

    WordPress users can see an example of Del.icio.us integration over on my personal blog. http://andymatic.com/ (in the columns)

  3. Val Avatar

    Have a look at entopica (http://www.entopica.com/)
    It is an online system that allows you to easily access, categorize, share and store your bookmarks online. Its free to join and registration is both quick and easy. Discover a whole new world of social bookmarking.

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