SFB referred to me as natty. I thought that was bad. It isn’t:
nat·ty (nÄ?t’Ä“)
adj. nat·ti·er, nat·ti·est
Neat, trim, and smart; dapper.
I think I was concatenating Natalie from Facts of Life with the word nappy (as in old sweater all nappy and you have to use a safety razor to remove all the pills – not nappy like ‘natural hair’ etc though I remain silently jealous of Afro-puffs).
I’m dapper.
Though I’m no Marco Dapper.
Word of the Day: Natty
2 responses to “Word of the Day: Natty”
Afro puffs are waaaaaaaaaay over-rated. One swift breeze and the puffs turn into leaning towers.
Tut tut!
SFB would never disparage you.
Me on the other hand… 😉
Your hair and Afro Puffs do not work!
PS Who has mostly just facial hair!
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