Mena and Ben have posted responses to the frustration over recent TypePad outages:
Because of the growth of the service, we’ve been increasing our capacity steadily, but a few months ago the data center we are in ran out of space and power, limiting the amount of equipment we could add. After some shopping, we found a great new data center and have been building it out for over a month. We’re currently in the middle of that move, and that’s when the trouble started.
Ugh, guys. A few months ago you knew and you didn’t start working on it in time?
Some users got star treatment with an email from the Six Apart CEO. I got an email from one of their techs. Other clients haven’t been as lucky – and the best comment so far has been:
I have always been a huge Ben/Mena fan ever since Movable Type 2.x and it has been great to watch them grow into their new roles – it is just painful to see basic services go foul. And I have a certain amount of sickness because I’ve been in IT departments during outages and it just makes ya ill.
Transparency is all well and good, but you have to back it up with results. Yeek.
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