Turning Your Book into a Subscription-Based Site

(or a clients-only blog)

  1. Substitution Value. Can your site visitors find pretty darn similar content for free elsewhere on the Web? The brand name you’re launching a sub site for better be extraordinarily strong to persuade even the casual eye that this site
    is UNIQUELY worth paying for.
  2. Is it already selling in multiple media? Has the brand already expanded across multiple paid offline media?
  3. Can it spawn interactive tools? […Y]ou need content that will continually engage and interest them. What interests people the most? Themselves. Diary, planner, tip sheets, interaction, gurus.
  4. Ad revenue impacts. You’ll be doing the math trying to see if subscriptions will cover the loss of a large portion of eyeballs to sell ads against.
  5. Is the market size worth the effort?
  6. Did your online survey pan out? Describe the features (especially the personalized tools) and ask, “How interested would you be in getting access to this?”
  7. Is the content “life event” related? Life event marketing is incredibly powerful but limited in terms of account lifetime value.

Full article.






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