Technology Transforming Journalism

Besides the obvious points about blogging and instant personal publishing changing the way joournalists research and operate, technologies like podcasting are also as useful:

What role can and should technology play in contributing to transparency–full disclosure–in the media? After all, given that it’s been such an enabler to the revolution in journalism, shouldn’t it also be a driving force in integrity as well? By providing the uncensored, unedited raw data used to assemble a news story, opinion piece, or blog entry, the problems of misquoting, quote truncation, placing quotes out of order to arrive at an unintended meaning, quoting out of context, or manipulating interviews in the interests of a particular agenda could go away.

Essentially using technology to allow readers to look through the journalists notebook. It’s footnoting taking to the hilt and it seems like a further extension of the hyperlink ideal.






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