Small Type Makes Prospects Read Instead of Scan

The Eyetrack III study has found some cool findings:

  • Smaller type encourages focused viewing behavior (that is, reading the words), while larger type promotes lighter scanning.
  • Visual breaks – like a line or rule – discouraged people from looking at items beyond the break, like a blurb.
  • When people look at blurbs under headlines on news homepages, they often only look at the left one-third of the blurb.
  • Shorter paragraphs performed better in Eyetrack III research than longer ones. Our data revealed that stories with short paragraphs received twice as many overall eye fixations as those with longer paragraphs.
  • Test subjects typically looked at text elements before their eyes landed on an accompanying photo, just like on homepages. As noted earlier, the reverse behavior (photos first) occurred in previous print eyetracking studies.






2 responses to “Small Type Makes Prospects Read Instead of Scan”

  1. Roseanne van Langenberg Avatar

    Andy, you might find this interesting .. a hunch on what my eyes were telling me, urged me change my entire Blog to a smaller font .. which not only increased subscriber interest and traffic, it appears to have fueled my Adsense clicks, as naturally the Ads don’t appear dwarfed any longer by the huge text/ font which is the norm. with WordPress and Blogger .. also experimented with a smaller Adsense block at the top, which has brought in positive results.
    Whilst the Eyetools research claims not to have “dug in too deep”, I certainly concur with their conclusions on smaller text .. it’s worked for me!

  2. Marketing Defined Avatar

    Eyetools Research Recommends Smaller Fonts

    A recent Poynter Institute’ Eyetrack III study covered by Andy Wibbels of Easy Bake Weblogs, confirmed my hunch that smaller type fonts encourage greater Reader participation.

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