Have you been paying attention to Rich Schefren’s roll-out of his coaching program? If not you are missing a complete case study in how to create anticipation, stoke demand, deliver sales and keep customers begging for more. Check his blog for the goods.
Richard Schefren is a F_cking Genius
3 responses to “Richard Schefren is a F_cking Genius”
You are absolutely right – Rick expressed his expertise eloquently in his original manifesto and at the time I don’t think many of us anticipated what would follow next.
It’s a great model to emulate and for me the important key is that he had an integrated marketing plan.
Now I’m not sure how much has been organic and how much planned up front but what I do know is that Rock has done an incredible job of building his personal brand in a few short weeks providing valuable content, using the power of word of mouth marketing and using his raving fans and brand ambassadors (previous clients) to spread the message.
But then again you don’t do too bad a job of that either do you Andy?!
Best wishes
Krishna De (a ‘raving fan’ of Andy Wibbels!) -
Yes I have been following what he ahs been doing and implementing parts of his strategy. His list of resources was very helpful.I am trialling the results manager that plugs into mindjet mind map software. It is really exciting how it brings everything together. I signed up for his 12 month program last night. Lets see how it goes, I reckon there has to be someting to learn from someone who sells $750K of coaching in 2 hours !
I noticed that you found Rich’s earlier Manifesto useful. His final chapter is even better.
So I thought you might want to know that Rich has released a third installment in the Internet Business Manifesto series.
It’s called “The Final Chapter.” You can download it here:
Let me know what you think by posting a comment on our blog.
Thanks again for your support and I wish you all the best.
Warm Regards,
Dwain Jeworski
Strategic Profits
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