A few weeks ago, I had a discussion with my kid sister, in a humerous way she told me that she “Only uses email to communicate with old people like me“. And I’m not even in my mid 30s. Apparently social networks like Facebook, MySpace, and now Twitter are moving up the age chain, and older folks are adopting it. In fact recent statistics showed that the largest growth in Facebook is actually 35+.
People use MySpace for email? How do these people have any time to live their lives when they are waiting for Rupert’s servers to load? I contend that with all the work-based email people have that they’ll still use conventional email for communications. I actually detest that all these goddamn apps have to have their own internal messaging: Flickr, MySpace, Facebook, etc. I understand that the companies want to ‘own’ their member base etc but I just loathe all the notifications and add me to this or invite me to that. It is just tiresome. It is like each time we are re-inventing email and instant messaging and forums and blogs and everything else but with a better color gradient and logo.
I will say I enjoy Twitter more than I used to. I don’t find it essential at all. I find Pownce really boring.
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