Blog URL Forwarding

Instead of giving people the cryptic link that is hard to remember / type, I registered an easy-to-remember URL with GoDaddy ($8.95/year) and set it to Forward to my blog.
So, forwards to
Are others doing this, as well?
Is there a better/different way?






4 responses to “Blog URL Forwarding”

  1. Josh Armantrout Avatar

    For members of Typepad, like yourself, there is a better way. Typepad has a “domain mapping” feature that allows you to map your domain name to your blog. This way your entire blog content and all links, etc. are located at your domain name rather than the domain. They have all of the details here.

  2. Andy Avatar

    You can also do the more involved domain mapping where you are actually forwarding the underlying DNS to TypePad. It’s a bear of a process, though.

  3. Tom Hanna Avatar

    Then there’s always the option of hosting your blog with a “regular” webhost instead of one of the blog only companies. Look for a host that features the Fantastico automatic script installation feature – most of these will include automatic install of WordPress, pMachine and several other open source blog packages. And it’s not like the Famous 5 Minute Install of WordPress is that hard to do anyway, as long as your host supports PHP and mySQL.
    Cost – typically $10/month or less.

  4. Matt Avatar

    Thanks, Gents. Good advice.
    I’m now read up on domain mapping and I’ll try it this weekend.
    Just this morning, I just paid my year-in-advance with Typepad, so I’m there for awhile.

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