Memetime! Ellen has tagged me for Aaron’s Simply Success Secrets meme:
Aaron’s rule is to write about the top 5 to 10 things we do almost everyday to be successful. These can be things we do every day or at least 4 to 5 times per week.
Here are mine:
Write a morning journal. I’ve journaled pretty consistently for about 10 years and have a huge stack of notebooks in the closet (only Mead comp books + Pilot pens will do). I’ve noticed my handwriting in the past year has gotten worse – worse than usual. But I try to maintain that it isn’t always the writing as much as the Sit still and move the pen across the page. Writing is meditation, meditation is writing. If you’re prayerful, try writing your prayers out. Make your affirmations a laboratory – I usually get a 3 day return on affirmations. Longer return rate for larger endeavors.
Go to the gym. If my 16 year old self saw the gymbunny/rat I am today he wouldn’t believe it. I’m currently attempting the Hot Point Fitness program (still can’t get the cardio and the weights in on one day). Going to the gym (or running outdoors) is simple: Go to a public place.
Move a distance quickly or lift something heavy. Especially for people in their 60s and 70s, research is showing that your bones can get stronger with moderate weight lifting (the stress on the bones causes them to fortify stronger). I go everyday simply because I’m not good at 3 days on or every-other-day – it is best if I just go every day. If you are depressive this will help you a lot too – also with anxiety – it gets all your morning-jumpies out of the way. Don’t be scared of the weights – and girls don’t be scared about getting burly: it takes a lot of training for women to get all Linda Hamilton/T2. Don’t be intimidated by burly guys in the free weights area – chances are they have the girliest voices you’ve ever heard. And be sure to help when they ask you: "Can you thpot me on my bench preth?"
Hydrate constantly. I have a Dasani water bottle next to me at all times. I probably get a new one each week (germophobes will want to use a new one each time – if not just be sure to rinse with hot water or spray in some cleaner and rinse alot). You can never drink enough water. Well you can break your brain if you upset your blood salinity – but for the most part you can never have enough water. And if you like those fruity Fuji bottles then by all means buy one – you’re gonna use it for a week anyway.
Turn off CNN. I’m a news junkie. You might be a soaps junkie. Or a weather junkies. Often the first step towards me really getting down to work is to turn off the telly. It is just going to repeat in another 30 minutes. Even if you are in love with Anderson Cooper, he repeats at night again, too.
Time with kids, family, pets. There is something so soothing about the purr of a cat – for others it might be playing with pets – kids – family. Or listening to Ron’s heartbeat when he’s taking a nap. There are some sensations that involve other living things around you that instantly ground you in the now and remind you that your body isn’t just a flesh-wagon for your brain. Those are mine.
Let’s see who I should tag… Andrea J. Lee (and/or TinaF) Joe Taylor Lisa Wilder Peter Flaschner Sharon Sarmiento Jim Kukral.
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