Congrats to the WordPress crew. ArsTechnica named it the #1 web-based application of the year. I really do like tinkering with WordPress and look forward to multi-blog support (I think that’ll sky-rocket WP into the stratosphere):
WordPress is the most prominent rising star of weblog software, completely free and with a large and active community. Styles, plugins and hacks are readily available, with problems such as comment spamming being addressed far more rapidly than competing applications.
With their new support for themes as well as the new plug-in architecture, WordPress grows in sophistication with each new release. Webhosts are starting to add it as a ‘one-click install’ for their customers. And since it’s GPL there’s no way in hell they can start charging for licenses.
I’ll also point to the friendliness of the developer community. I asked a quick question – got a response in about 15 minutes – that didn’t work – got another suggestion a bit later – and then got a third response a bit later. Then when I got my little tweak to work – I posted it in the WP Wiki for safekeeping.
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