Video Blogging

You know I hate the hard sell but the folks behind Instant Audio Generator are gearing up to release Instant Video Generator that allows you to easily add video clips to your website – and weblog.
Basically you record audio and video on your computer using a mic and webcam and then their service converts that to a Flash movie that can play anytime, anywhere.
They have a special deal if you sign-up for the trial before the release of the product. I’m definitely going to check it out and see if the pricing seems worth it – sometimes those monthly services can all add up!
This is an affiliate link – but if you click on it then I can’t say you never did me any favors:
If it ends up being as slick as it looks it might just be worth the extra dough. Besides, like I’ve always said, a teleclass is like your own radio show and if this does what it’s supposed to then I can have my own TV show. Back off Brokaw!






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