Social Customer Manifesto

Christopher Carfi put together some bullets on how customers approach companies these days:

  • I want to have a say.
  • I don’t want to do business with idiots.
  • I want to know when something is wrong, and what you’re going to
    do to fix it.
  • I want to help shape things that I’ll find useful.
  • I want to connect with others who are working on similar






29 responses to “Social Customer Manifesto”

  1. lotrel Avatar


  2. ranitidine Avatar

    ItÒs simple but effective. They also do other genres. Adolescent poetry is worth a look.

  3. renova Avatar

    Yes, I love these guys. I want them to be President. Nobody mentions this, but this is really a brilliant parenting book. Throw the rest of them out. (*****)

  4. seroquel Avatar

    it was like he had me where he wanted me, so he could do anything he wanted to me, and yet he wasn’t that good at what he wanted to do.

  5. singulair Avatar

    I wish I had more to offer you than that.

  6. skelaxin Avatar

    My highbrow argument goes something like “Because of Joy King and Steve Orenstein, silly!”

  7. synthroid Avatar

    “Ok am I the only one dying to know what sweet pea just did??

  8. tablets Avatar

    IÒd post a Scottish photo but blueyonder is letting me down again.

  9. testosterone Avatar

    Does anyone else find that hard to process?

  10. topamax Avatar

    WeÒre having a lazy Sunday around here, nothing special going on. IÒm still trying to find a comforable sitting positionÅ

  11. tramadol Avatar

    Separating, we laid down on the bed and cuddled for a short time. He suggested a shower to wash off the oil & I said I thought that would be a good idea.

  12. tricor Avatar

    “P.G.S., I really can’t function without you.” I’m quite serious.

  13. tylenol Avatar

    Actually, IÒve been back for a while now but too lazy to get back to writing anything here.

  14. ultracet Avatar

    Graphic Stories Ö No more than three pages per submission

  15. ultram Avatar

    Anyway, we’re alive and well & hope to be back in the swing of things soon!

  16. valtrex Avatar

    Feeling a bit like I fell down the well this week.

  17. vioxx Avatar

    Just another lesson learned. A broken rule will come back and bite you in the ass in more ways than one!

  18. wellbutrin Avatar

    And doesn’t *that* little fact make your panties wet?

  19. xanax Avatar

    I too let out a loud chuckle until I caught myself thinking “he might be serious”.

  20. zanaflex Avatar

    Nigella is extremely fuckalicious. It’s just a shame that she opted to marry an insidious prick with lots of money, instead of a rich man with an insidious prick…

  21. zantac Avatar

    Damn, once again I was too disorganised to get myself ready in time for National Slacker Day

  22. zocor Avatar

    “There are too many anal penetration shots,” she says.

  23. zyban Avatar

    You can see the rest of the column here.

  24. drugs Avatar

    ÓMy husband tells me that you know (Well Known Rope Top)?Ô

  25. irritable Avatar

    access for his gift (although it’s kind of a selfish

  26. folic Avatar

    well, you’ll have to go for a leak eventually, won’t you? then we’ll see what happens.

  27. tenuate Avatar

    I answered her questions, I just did not volunteer any further information.

  28. abilify Avatar

    Secret History featuring yet another media appearance for Bessie and Ted.

  29. accutane Avatar

    I sit down at my desk and start writing the job description.

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