I’ve been playing with an installation of Moodle lately. Moodle is an open-source learning and course management system that is growing by leaps and bounds. But, I’m finding sometimes it can be a bit slow to render pages. I started surfing the Moodle forums and found some tidbits. Here’s the digest:
- Remove all non-essential filters (especially if they link to large glossaries).
- Increase cache time on filters.
- Set langache settings to on.
- Turn off messaging.
- Experiment with dbsessions on or off.
- Try using a PHP accelerator.
- Use a PHP cache like PHPA, Lighttpd or Turck. (No clue what this means, yet!)
- For massive installations, separate database and web-servers. I’m still not using a dedicated server yet.
Culled from here.
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