I’m breaking from the usual blogging tips of my newsletter to bring you a public service announcement crucial to anybody that does business online.
The foundation of business online is open and free access to the complete internet: no limits, no fences, no boundaries. This is called ‘Net Neutrality.’ Over the past two decades, the internet has become the underlying infrastructure for billions of dollars of business – as essential as electricty in powering the global economy.
Now, imagine if the eletric company made your refrigerator run slower if it wasn’t a Whirlpool brand.
::::: Online Business is Endangered
Recently, telecom companies in the United States have lobbied for greater control of the internet which would strike down ‘Net Neutrality’ – the very foundation of the internet’s success.
As a small business owner online, the leveling effect of the internet is key to keeping competitive. If you can’t play on the same level as the existing larger companies, you won’t be able to make an impact.
– Imagine your ISP charging you more to buy products unless you use a preferred provider.
– Imagine your email being delayed while preferred customers who have paid more get faster service.
It seems crazy – but it’s going to happen. Unless you act now.
::::: You Must Act Today
If you live within the United States, please contact your representatives in the House and Senate immediately and let them know that AT&T, Verizon, Comcast and Time Warner don’t get to decide the future of online business – we do.
Here’s what to do.
1. Email your Representatives in the House and Senate. http://action.freepress.net/campaign/savethenet
2. Then, pick up the phone.
3. Call your representatives in the House and Senate. Not sure who they are? Go to http://house.gov/ and http://senate.gov/ and enter your ZIP code.
4. Say ‘I want to call in my support for the Markey Network Neutrality amendment sponsored by Rep. Ed Markey and I full support net neutrality. Thank you.’ They may ask for your ZIP code to ensure you are a constituent.
4. Tell your friends and colleagues.
If you live outside the United States, please contact your colleagues inside the US to act on this legislation now.
::::: Thank you
If the internet is key to the success of your business in any way, Net Neutrality must be ensured. The telecom companies don’t have any business telling us how to run our business. The success of business online depends on unfettered, free, democratic access to media, information and commerce.
Andy Wibbels
Immediate Action Required: Online Business at Risk
3 responses to “Immediate Action Required: Online Business at Risk”
Great post Andy, I immediately went and took action. Just FY-everyone’s-I, the sys admins at the House.gov site need to amend their lookup tables. You actually have to put the “www.” or it doesn’t go through. Better link:
http://www.house.gov/ -
Congress, Big Biz and Freedom of the Internet…
I’m not an alarmist, but I’m alarmed at the message I’m seeing on blogs and newsletters about pending legislation that threatens the neutrality of the Internet. Neither am I a fear-monger, who believes that all big corporations are by their…
Your Online Business is at Stake…
I just found this on Andy Wibbel’s blog. If you want to continue to have success making money online, or if you want to start making money online, you really need to follow Andy’s action plan:
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