Feb 8: Blog Your Way to a Best-Seller Preview Call (Free)

I had teased my newsletter that today there would be a BIG-ASS MASSIVE ANNOUNCEMENT. Here it is:
Here’s that BIG-ASS MASSIVE ANNOUNCEMENT I was talking about: (am I a marketing skank for using all-caps? At least this is plain-text, right?)
Suzanne Falter-Barnes is an expert on book publicity and how authors and speakers can build their profile to make their next book a bestseller (she’s got the #8 Amazon rank to prove it). I’ve been following Suzanne’s work for a couple years and after we met at a conference in San Jose last summer, I knew we had to join forces. I started asking her how I can promote my own book using her program and she started asking me how she could add blogging to her toolbox… and we
Can you market and sell your next book with a blog?
You better believe it, timmy. Mark your calendars:
Suzanne and I are doing an expert call on how you can use a blog to market and sell your next book:
‘Ten Ways Blogs Can Promote Your Book Faster, Cheaper and Easier’
Feb 8th @ 8pm Eastern
Sign up for this free call at http://blogyourwaytoabestseller.com/
I am super-caffeinated excited about this course. You’re getting a ton of practical use-it-now information. You won’t find a course like this anywhere else.
I hope you’ll join us for our f’ree preview call.






2 responses to “Feb 8: Blog Your Way to a Best-Seller Preview Call (Free)”

  1. Flo Schell, EdM, Founder: Franchise Coaching Systems Avatar

    I was one of the lucky attendees on Andy and Suzanne Falter-Barnes free call! Kudos to you both! The good information was only surpassed by your energy and enthusiasm. I particularly enjoyed Suzanne’s hearty laugh and Andy’s upbeat communication style. As an ‘author-in-waiting’ of the soon to be published book, Selling from your Heart, I am soaking up all I can get! Thanks for keeping me in high gear!

  2. Flo Schell, EdM, Founder: Franchise Coaching Systems Avatar

    I was one of the lucky attendees on Andy and Suzanne Falter-Barnes free call! Kudos to you both! The good information was only surpassed by your energy and enthusiasm. I particularly enjoyed Suzanne’s hearty laugh and Andy’s upbeat communication style. As an ‘author-in-waiting’ of the soon to be published book, Selling from your Heart, I am soaking up all I can get! Thanks for keeping me in high gear!

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