Category: Instant Global Impact
Infoproduct Taxonomy
After you’ve targeted a specific niche (or lifestyle) and looked at why they go online and why we buy, and fashioned your content into net peppered with keywords and concepts in multiple media formats to bring them to our subscribe button to get them on our list. and plugged them into the almighty product funnel […]
Constant, Consistent Cultivation
And we’re back! Last year I’d started a series of essays outlining a framework for understanding internet marketing called Instant Global Impact. The process is laid out along the three ‘clicks’ of the sales process: (here’s the original essay) This week I want to talk about being a tease: After you’ve targeted a specific niche […]
The Keyword Cloud (or How to Read Minds)
Last week we talked about how your content is like a net. You cast it out into the internet muck and search engines help you nab the right meaty prospects. This week I want to introduce a concept I call the keyword cloud and how to use it to come up with post titles, product […]
Content is a Net
So we’ve talked about niches, lifestyles, why we buy, why we go online and the three buttons. But what motivates us to actually go online in pursuit of more control over our lives? The Four Types of Internet Marketing Last week we talked about Why We Go Online which revolved around Entertainment (changing your emotional […]
Why We Go Online
So we’ve talked about niches, lifestyles, why we buy, and the three buttons. But what motivates us to actually go online in pursuit of more control over our lives? Why We Go Online Back when I unveiled my megalomaniac vision to create a framework for internet marketing called Instant Global Impact, I outlined the model […]
Common Passions, Urgent Problems
A niche is made of two parts: Part 1: A group of people with a set of urgent problems or common passions. Not just everyday run-of-the-mill problems because people are more likely to click the Buy button when they know you are going to help them ease urgent discomfort. I keep ‘common passions’ in there […]
Time, Money, Sex (and Salvation)
Last week I walked through the frameworks in art and technology and how they can be applied to just about any discipline – unveiling my own framework in the process. We looked at The Three Buttons that divide up the sales cycle: Search (prospect looks for answers and finds you), Subscribe (they become a part […]
The Three Buttons
While I was taking a break from the newsletter and blog, I’d done a lot of reconsideration of the massive hairwad that is internet marketing and doing business online. When I was a young one, my family had gone to the symphony with my grandparents. During the intermission, my grandmother leaned over and asked me […]
Everything is a Lifestyle
The word lifestyle always makes me cringe. Partially because it is coded language used in the movement to block equality rights for gay men and women by right-wing fundamentalists. Lifestyles are a choice so every time you hear someone talk about the ‘gay lifestyle’ part of the meme is that same-sex attraction is not natural […]
Recession, Depression and Self-Expression (I’m Freaked Out, Too)
If you think you can be recession-proof you’re an idiot and should immediately unsubscribe from this newsletter or feed. Months ago when the ‘credit crunch’ began there was a flurry of teleseminars and newsletters talking about how it wouldn’t affecting anything or anyone and we should all keep clapping until Tinkerbell comes back to life. […]