Falling a spell behind my usual blogging news intake – I’m developing my plans for next year, etc.
Here’s a report-out:
Should Your Non-Profit Launch a Blog? (via Fredrik) also Should Your Nonprofit Launch a Blog?
Blogging is less a business model than a thoroughly compelling communications model that keeps users coming back two and three times a day more effectively than standard content refreshes. Accept it and get sponsors for it. (via Paul)
Product Placement Comes to Blogging
Darren Barefoot puts his blogging services up on eBay.
After tearing the blogosphere a new – um – sphere-hole, Bob Bly starts blogging. That’s a great way to get traffic isn’t it? Shit all over a new media format – ensuing backlash from the devotees and then try it out yourself and enjoy the traffic deluge as devotees become colleauges.
A marketing experiment – long copy vs short copy. (via Biz Opps)
Doc goes off on Lovemarks.
Blog entry behind that Marine shooting an unarmed Iraqi from a few weeks ago.
Steve mulls podcasting’s break out into podvertising. (Cue the Donald Sutherland scream from Body Snatchers)
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