Andy Wibbels

I started blogging in 2000 over at GeoCities and then quickly joined the Blogger craze as everyone rushed to get their most intimate thoughts and feelings instantly searchable and readable by millions of people. It has been a delight to see weblogging come from the underground and begin to give ordinary people a true taste of instant, anytime, anywhere instant publishing. For business types weblogs give you a big fat permission slip to be real, authentic and just a little nutty: in short, human.
I’m entranced by the intersection of history and biography and the technologies that make it possible. Where at first I thought the internet would make us more anti-social – I find it has broadened my horizons and allowed me to connect and collaborate with people I never ever would have even known existed.
As a coach and theatre-crafter – I’m compelled by the passion to create spaces for success to happen. To help others understand and utilize the technologies that can have a profound impact on their businesses and lives. Whether it is a rehearsal studio, teleclass or an online ecampus, I love creating the vessel. That moment where you stop whining, put up, shut up and see what happens.
I have an undergraduate degree in Acting with a focus in directing and playwriting. I’ve trained with the Coaches Training Institute and am a member of the School of Coaching and the International Coach Federation.
I currently work for a software company in Virginia as an IT project manager.



