TypePad Outages Confounds Users

As everyone knows, TypePad has had another massive outage this past week – this one in connection to a data center move. The Six Apart gang burned through a large amount of goodwill just a few weeks ago with another outage. In an interview, one of their techs lays it out:

The first is our status blog which is our first line of defense and the first place you should check if you ever have a question as a TypePad user. It honestly is probably not nearly prominent enough to find and that’s something we are going to be remedying.

I wish they’d link to their status blog on the front page – above the fold. Most of the clients that emailed me didn’t know to go to status.typepad.com to get the latest details.
Other major web services also were down this week: Delicious, Bloglines Flickr… hell even my own webhost had to reboot a server last Sunday.
I’ve also received lots of emails from users pissed off at the unresponsiveness of the tech support team. I think tech support and customer support are the silver bullets these days. Features are great. Ajax, APIs and Web 2.0 is nice and warm and fluffy. But if it doesn’t work it doesn’t work and users don’t care – they just want it to work.
There’s been allusions to eBay’s early days and outages but c’mon folks – didn’t we learn anything from the crazy 90s? I get frustrated for the users and frustrated for the admins.






3 responses to “TypePad Outages Confounds Users”

  1. Lyle Lachmuth Avatar

    Well ya know, it’s this way.
    I’ve been using computers since 1967 and we used to get 24 HOUR turnaround!
    Take a break aleardy!

  2. David Avatar

    I’ve been using TypePad since Andy’s pilot class of EasyBake Weblogs and until the last couple of months they were great. Now I’m thinking of looking for another provider. One of my plans for 2006 was to make more use of Blogs in marketing and creating revenue streams. I’m becoming increasingly uncomfortable doing that with TypePad. Anyone know of good alternatives?

  3. Anil Avatar

    David, all of us at Six Apart are investing heavily in making TypePad a reliable platform that you can count on for your business. If you’re not comfortable with that after all the improvements we have been and will be making, I’d be glad to talk to you about options like our partnership with Yahoo to offer Movable Type in their hosting environment. It’s a good choice with a reliable provider, and we’d be glad to have that as a way to help make things right for you.

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